Creating a Target List of Companies


One of the best things you can do for your job search is to create a target list of companies for yourself. Not every company in the area is going to hire people like you, so the more targeted you can get in identifying companies who want people with your skills, the less time you waste on companies that won't be interested in people with your background.

 You can then use this list to find and make networking contacts within that company so you can discover job opportunities BEFORE they turn into job postings that are being advertised to a much wider audience.

To create a target list of companies, follow these steps.

1. Create a Target Profile
Your target list of companies isn't going to be every organization in your area. Not every company will hire people with your skills and qualifications.  So you first need to create a target profile. To do this, answer the following questions for yourself:

  • What do you want to do? Be as specific as possible in describing the kind of work you're looking for. 
  • What industries do you want to work in? Some jobs are very specific. For example, if you are looking for a job as a nurse, you will most likely be working in the healthcare industry. But other jobs are broader. If you're looking to do clerical work, for example, all kinds of industries may hire people with those skills. Think about the industries in which you already have experience and expertise, but also don't be afraid to go broader, listing industries that might hire people with your background in which you haven't worked before. 
  • What geographic area do you want to work in? Think, also, about whether or not your skill set lends itself to doing telecommuting or virtual work. You may be able to expand beyond your geographic region if you have skills that would allow you to do work using technology. 

2. Start Identifying Companies that Match Your Profile

Here are some resources you can use to start identifying companies that match your profile:
  • Do a Google Maps Search--Search for keywords using Google maps. For example, "hotels near St. Mary's." 
  • Do a search of LinkedIn Companies--Do a keyword search on LinkedIn, for example, "Healthcare, Bradford, Pennsylvania." If you want to keep your search broad, then just search on the geographic area. Also, when you look at a LinkedIn company profile, check out the list of companies in the section "People Also Viewed." This may give you additional companies to add to your list. 
As you find companies that seem like they may hire someone with your skills, begin to keep a list of these organizations. Be sure to include:
  • Name of company
  • Address and other contact info
  • Company website address
  • Names of any people who work there.
As you discover more information, continue adding it to each company's profile in your files. 

3. Research Companies
You want to learn as much as you can about each company you include on your target list. This means doing some company research. You can: 
  • Do a Google search for the company website.
  • Do a Company search on LinkedIn
  • Start talking to people in your network, asking them what they may know about the company. 

4. Using Your Targeted Company List
Once you've created your list of target companies, start trying to find ways to develop relationships with people who work at that company. They don't have to be employed in your target job or department. You just want to start creating connections to the company that allow you to start learning more and getting yourself in front of decision-makers. Here's some good advice on how to penetrate your target companies. 

One great thing to do is to see if you can connect to people who work there to set up an informational interview. This not only helps you strengthen relationships within the company, it's also an excellent way to expand your network. 

Additional Resources